from text
using AI
Express yourself by describing a scene or picture, try multiple variations instantly.

Loved by professionals across the
What makes AI Image Generator by Magic Studio special?
Here are some of the ways in which our AI Image Generator is the best tool for your creative expression:
No skill or experience required, just say it like you think it.
Use preset styles and aspect ratios to explore various modes.
With AI generated images, create and express your imagination is seconds.
Powerful enough for professional creators to use everyday.
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Simple - Helpful - Quick - Powerful
Loved by millions!
120 Million IMAGES
18 Million USERS
MagicStudio is popular around the world.
With every image edited, we put more power in the hands of the people.
How to create stunning AI generated
Describe Scene
Explain how you imagine the picture in simple direct words. Describe in as much detail as possible, be specific and clear. Add descriptions of elements of the scene and setting, that will help make the image closer to your intended output.
Select a Style
Styles help you adjust and control the look and feel of the picture. Each of our presets represents a popular style in which images are created or depicted, and these styles are also liked by generative AI enthusiasts. If you want learn more about the styles, a search on the internet will help. And do let us know if you want us to add a style that you like, but is missing.
Aspect Ratio
We offer 3 aspect ratios: square, which is 1:1, a landscape which is 2:1 with the horizontal dimension longer, a portrait which is 1:2 with the vertical dimension longer. Select an aspect ratio that fits the use you will put the image to. If you don’t have a preference, we suggest using the square output for best results.
You can create an image, and then try to create another variation to see a different output each time or go back and tweak your text input. When you are satisfied with the result, click download to save the image to your computer or gallery on your phone. Downloads happen in an appropriate format for the edit that you have made, can be converted to JPG, JPEG, PNG, HEIC, WEBP or other formats as required.
My brain is breaking 🤯
Matthew Ritchie
Writer at Nook Calendar
My brain is breaking 🤯 This looks so simple! I use the Adobe suite, but know a lot of people at startups/independent companies who are short on cash who could use this. Great idea!
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US$ 4.99/month
US$ 59.99 billed every year
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US$ 12.49/month
US$ 14.99/month
US$ 74.99 billed every 6 months
Frequently Asked Questions
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AI Image Generator is an simple but powerful tool that uses AI to create fresh and unique images from your text descriptions of the a scene or picture.
AI Image Generator uses AI to generate an image from a text description that you input. The text is analysed and a visually rich image is created. The AI is trained on very large sets of data, to build vibrant understanding of the correlation between text and the corresponding images. The text input is key to creating pictures that match your vision. Since we use a diffusion model, you can use prompts from other diffusion-like models to jumpstart your prompts. You can find a lot of these by looking around on the internet. We also let you apply sizes, and orientation for the images you create, and also give you some popular pre-built styles that can help you make your generate images coherent with each other. You also try to ask AI Image Generator to create another variation of a generated image. Our customers use these images in art, presentations, story-telling and social media among other things.
AI Image Generator is powerful enough to be used by professional creators. It is simple and fun, enough that you can just play around for hours expressing youself!
The time required to process an image depends on the many things, including the size, complexity in the image, the rush at our servers (we have dedicated servers for customers on our paid plans). We are constantly working on making our systems faster, but even now, most images are typically generated in a few seconds.
At the moment, there is no iOS or Android app, but AI Image Generator runs well on all major browsers on phones.
You can create up to 20 pictures with AI Image Generator, for free, after creating an account. This is intended for you to get a sense of how AI Image Generator works, and if you decide to upgrade, then on an appropriate paid plan you can create unlimited pictures, within our fair usage terms.
Learn all about AI image editing at Magic Studio
How to Remove Background Easily with Background Eraser
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What AI can and cannot do today, and why you should pay attention
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Learn how to effortlessly remove backgrounds from photos using Background Eraser, simplifying your editing process and creating stunning, isolated subjects.
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Ultimate Guide to Product Photography
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Master the art of product photography with our comprehensive guide, covering everything from equipment and lighting to composition and editing techniques, ensuring your products shine in every shot.
DIY Product Photography: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Discover the step-by-step process of creating professional-looking product photos on a budget, empowering you to showcase your products effectively without the need for expensive equipment or a professional photographer.
Other amazing tools at Magic Studio
Magic Eraser
Remove objects, people, text from photos
Background Remover
Remove backgrounds, add coloured backgrounds
Image Upscaler
Increase size up to 4K without loosing quality
AI Image Generator
Create pictures from text, with AI
Photo Booth
Trendy profile pictures with AI
Background Blur
AI Art Generator
Photo Booth
Trendy profile pictures with AI
WEBP to PNG Converter
Convert WEBP Files to PNG
HEIC to JPG Converter
Convert HEIC (iPhone) photos to JPG
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